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روژه مارتن دوگار

نویسه گردانی: RWŽH MARTN DWGAR
روژه مارتَن دو گار (به فرانسوی: Roger Martin du Gard)‏ نویسندهٔ فرانسوی و برندهٔ جایزه نوبل ادبیات.
روزشمار زندگی

۱۸۸۱ – در روز ۳۱ مارس روژه مارتن دوگار در نویی سور سن، شهری در نزدیکی پاریس به دنیا آمد.
۱۸۹۶ - ۱۸۹۲ – در دبیرستان کندرسه، از دبیرستان‌های معتبر پاریس تحصیل کرد.
۱۸۹۸ - ۱۸۹۶ – در دبیرستان ژانسون دو سایی مشغول تحصیل بود.
۱۹۰۵ - ۱۸۹۹ – محصل مدرسهٔ سندشناسی که در آن کارشناسی اسناد قدیمی می‌آموختند بود. در شهر روآن به نظام وظیفه رفت. با نوشتن رساله‌ای دربارهٔ صومعهٔ ژومی یژ مدرکی در زمینهٔ بایگانی اسناد قدیمی گرفت.
۱۹۰۹ - ۱۹۰۶ – با دختری به نام هلن فوکو ازدواج کرد. کوشش‌هایی برای نوشتن رمان کرد که به جایی نرسید. رمانی با عنوان زندگانی یک قدیس نوشت که آن را نیمه کاره رها کرد. رمان دیگری با عنوان ماریز نوشت که آن را نیز نیمه کاره رها کرد و غیر از صد صفحهٔ آن که در سال ۱۹۰۹ با نام یک کدام از ما منتشر شد، بقیه را پاره کرد.رمان شدن را منتشر کرد که توفیق اندکی یافت.
۱۹۱۲ - ۱۹۱۰ – رمان ژان باروا را می‌نوشت.
۱۹۱۴ - ۱۹۱۳ – انتشار رمان ژان باروا در سال ۱۹۱۳. به کار تئاتر پرداخت. نمایش‌نامهٔ کمدی وصیت‌نامهٔ بابا لولو را دربارهٔ روستاییان در سال ۱۹۱۴ نوشت و به صحنه آورد.
۱۹۱۸ - ۱۹۱۴ – در بسیج عمومی به نیروی نظامی پیوست و با درجهٔ گروهبان سوم سووار در جنگ جهانی اول شرکت کرد.
۱۹۳۰ - ۱۹۲۰ – به نوشتن و منتشر کردن نیمهٔ اول رمان خانواده تیبو در شش بخش مشغول شد. دفترچهٔ خاکستری در سال ۱۹۲۲ ، ندامتگاه در سال ۱۹۲۲ ، فصل گرم در سال ۱۹۲۳، طبابت در سال ۱۹۲۸ ، سورلینا در سال ۱۹۲۸ و مرگ پدر در سال ۱۹۲۹ . دومین نمایش‌نامهٔ کمدی خود را دربارهٔ روستاییان با نام باد نوشت که هیچ وقت به صحنه نیاممد.
۱۹۳۱ - در تصادف شدید خودرو مجروح شد. در دوران بیماری و استراحت مجال یافت تا دربارهٔ طرح ابتدایی رمان خانوادهٔ تیبو بیاندیشد و در نتیجه از آن طرح دست برداشت. در دوران نقاهت برای سرگرم کردن خود داستان کوتاه درد دل آفریقایی و همچنین نمایش‌نامهٔ سر به تو را نوشت.
۱۹۳۳ – در کنار نوشتن دنبالهٔ خانوادهٔ تیبو کتاب فرانسه کهن را نوشت که مجموعه‌ای از طرح‌هایی دربارهٔ زندگی شهرستانی فرانسه‌است.
۱۹۳۶ – انتشار تابستان ۱۹۱۴ بخش هفتم خانوادهٔ تیبو
۱۹۳۷ – دریافت جایزه نوبل ادبیات
۱۹۴۰ – انتشار سرانجام آخرین بخش خانوادهٔ تیبو
۱۹۵۸ - ۱۹۴۱ – نوشتن رمان مفصل خاطرات سرهنگ مومور که بیست بار آن را رها کرد و از سر گرفت و سرانجام ناتمام ماند.
۱۹۵۸ – در روز ۲۲ اوت در ملک خود در دهکدهٔ ترتر درگذشت.

برگرفته از ویکی‌پدیای انگلیسی [۱]
ژان باروا. روژه مارتن دوگار. ترجمهٔ منوچهر بدیعی. تهران: انتشارات نیلوفر، ۱۳۸۰. ISBN 964-448-170-4.
ن • ب • و
برندگان جایزه نوبل ادبیات ۱۹۲۶ - ۱۹۵۰
ن • ب • و
نویسندگان و شاعران قرن نوزدهم میلادی فرانسه
برندگان جایزه نوبل ادبیات
اهالی پاریس
اهالی نوی-سور-سن
برندگان جایزه نوبل اهل فرانسه
درگذشتگان ۱۹۵۸ (میلادی)
رمان‌نویسان اهل فرانسه
زادگان ۱۸۸۱ (میلادی)
نویسندگان اهل فرانسه

* هیچ‌کس کرتر از کسی نیست که نمی‌خواهد بشنود.
* تمام هستی یک نوع جنگ است؛ زندگی یعنی پیروزی آن‌که پایداری می‌کند...
* خیلی خوب می‌دانم که زندگی چیست, چه بازار مکاره‌ای است زندگی!... نیکی, وظیفه, فضیلت, از این حرف‌ها! پوششی بر غریزه‌های خودپرستانه‌مان,فقط این واقعیت دارد! اوه آدمک‌ها!
* در نظر بگیریم که پنجاه سال دیگر قضیه‌ی دریفوس فقط ماجرای کوچکی خواهد بود از مبارزه عقل بشر بر ضد احساساتی که او را کور می‌کند؛ فقط لحظه‌ای خواهد بود و نه بیشتر از مسیر کند و اعجاب‌آور بشر به‌سوی نیکی بیشتر.
* مذهب کاتولیک واتیکانی به‌صورتی‌که فعلاً شکل گرفته است برای بسیاری از نفوس با فرهنگ و برای تمام نفوسی که آگاهی‌های عمیق دارند مردود است. خدایی که به ما نشان می‌دهند به‌طرز بسیار حقیری جنبه‌ی انسانی دارد. امروز,اعتقاد به یک خدای شخصی, به یک خدای شاه مانند به خدایی که عالم را ساخته است, اعتقاد به گناه و جهنم ... آهان, نه! این مذهب دیگر درخور ما نیست دیگر چه جوری بگویم ... ما را که تشنه‌ی کمال هستیم, سیراب نمی‌کند. اعتقادات بشر هم مانند هر چیز دیگر تابع روند تکامل است؛ پیش می‌رود. از آن‌چه خوب است به‌سوی خوب‌تر می‌رود.خوب دیگر, دین باید ضرورتاً با معرفت هر عصر انطباق یابد. واتیکان اشتباه می‌کند که در برابر این انطباق مقاومت می‌کند.

قس انگلیسی

Jean Barois is the third novel published by Roger Martin du Gard in 1913. It is emblematic of the loss of faith in the modern world. Jean Barois (the name of the hero of the story) spent his childhood and adolescence in the province, formed in a Catholic college. He knows his first doubts about the faith at the age of 15 years. Arrived at the university where he studied natural science, faith breathes evil in the world of "big scientific laws", writes Roger Martin du Gard and reiterated Canon Charles Moeller , who also believed in 1967 that "the work was always played with passion in intellectual circles one ... "Indeed, as a scholar Alfred Grosser atheist and dialogue, is modeled, in his last book in 2011, The joy and death. Balance life 2 , the last moments of Elijah Albert Luce, another great hero of the book whose death is that of a stoic atheist copy and Roger Martin du Gard compared to that ofSocrates .

It has repeatedly brought the long novel Malègue Joseph , Augustine or the Master is of Jean Barois and saw in the first novel in 1933 Malègue a kind of response to Roger Martin du Gard. Not only because Malègue camped in the face of death and tormented truth Barois loose (even in his own eyes if one remembers the will written in full force age), the death of the hero of his own book , also converted on his deathbed but more authentic. But also because Malègue highlights in his novel the importance of intelligence in the face of faith fideism , feature sensitive Catholics Roger Martin du Gard. And the context is initially the same, that of the modernist crisis. This was seen even foreign commentators as Victor Brombert in The intellectual heroe who confronted the two novels in 1954.More recently, this comparison has been reworked by Pauline Bruley in the chiaroscuro of the Bible in two novels of the modernist crisis : Augustine and the Master is Malègue Joseph and Jean Barois of Roger Martin du Gard inwriters face the Bible (JY Masson and S.Parizet, dir.), Cerf, Paris, 2011. With a focus mainly on what, with the Dreyfus affair, is another great deal of the book, namely the modernist crisis experienced by the hero Roger Martin du Gard as a prelude to the decline of Catholicism and even its disappearance .

Main article: Modernist Crisis # The modernist crisis is still relevant? .

Albert Camus , very interested in this bill unpublished novel remained outstanding under this point of view (many dialogues always embellished indications of staging), consider this book (which he recalls that the author wanted to scientific and there succeeded him as better than Zola) as "the only great novel of the scientific age, which he expresses so well the hopes and disappointments 3 . "

Summary [ hide ]
1 Choice of title
2 Summary of the novel
3 Characters
3.1 Jean Barois
3.2 Albert Elias Luce
4 Themes
4.1 The modernist crisis
5 Sources
6 External links
7 Notes and references
Choice of title [ change ]

Summary of the novel [ edit ]

In one of L'Aurore , " J'accuse ...! "of Émile ZolaJanuary 13, 1898
In full crisis modernist , Jean Barois discovered historical fragility of the Gospels: "The Gospels were written in the years 65 and 100 afterChrist , [...] Therefore the Church is founded, existed, could exist without them. [...] As if today without a single written document, with vague memories and testimonies, we wanted to record the words and deeds of Napoleon ... And this is the fundamental book whose accuracy must be questioned by any Catholic 4 ! "

Married to a childhood friend, deeply religious, faith above all sentimental, Jean Barois stands gradually Christianity, which coincides with the rupture separation from his wife while she is pregnant with their first child. He will then, shortly before the outbreak of the Dreyfus Affair, Paris win again and start with a few friends secular activists enthusiasts a review The Sower , who after a slow start, conquers a wide audience. One of the advantages of the novel (which is also a sort of documentary novel while remaining a novel) is to narrate the most lively aspects of this phenomenon that is the intellectual journal of ideas. And at the same time to live the Dreyfus Affair through the protagonists of the book. Jean Barois became known not only in France but also abroad, particularly because of the political and moral impact, both nationally and internationally famous case of which this is the first literary transposition. With age Barois, knows with all his friends and even the moderate and optimistic Elias Albert Luce, who also disillusionment assaulted a writer like Charles Peguy to what he called the transformation of the mystic (enthusiasm Dreyfusards in the struggle for justice and freedom in the famous case), in politics .Peguy himself or hero Jean Barois consider that the operation of the enthusiasm of the friends of liberty, left, of Free-thinking was recovered by the French political class. Including the Ministry Waldeck-Rousseau in which the Republic decided to transfer the ashes to the Pantheon Zola . This is precisely the day after the ceremony that the founders of the Sower , together with their eldest Elias Albert Luce, take stock of all their disappointments. They see the pomp that surrounded the ceremony as a recovery by the regime's most famous and most authentic defender of Alfred Dreyfus . Jean Barois health deteriorates. He realizes that was born in the French youth, the opposite of what he hoped a new Catholicism, especially political and type Maurrassian .He sees death coming with more anxiety but did not initially disavowing his beliefs that are no longer linked to the hope of survival. Barois reunites with his family, including the child with his wife whom he has been separated for more than 20 years, a beautiful girl who tells him she entered the convent. He finally returned home, meet with priests he had known in his youth. Another priest, marked by modernism and modernist itself in the strong sense, will gradually return to faith through fear of death.

However, long before, in full possession of his faculties, Barois having escaped a serious traffic accident was surprised to invoke the Blessed Virgin, despite what he thought what he calls throughout the novel its emancipation Catholicism. Feeling that we could recover his death, he wrote, when he regains consciousness after the accident, a will by which he denies in advance a possible return to the faith in favor of his future physical decay.

He died in terrible agony in embracing the cross and screaming in fear, a kind of fear that the writer described as animals. His wife and the priest who assisted him in his last moments, will discover the famous and hasten to make it disappear.

Characters [ edit ]

Jean Barois [ edit ]
Albert Elias Luce [ edit ]
Themes [ edit ]

The modernist crisis [ edit ]
Pauline says Bruley essential elements of the modernist crisis "doubted the divinity of Jesus , "who has never believed in God or prophet," and the late development of doctrines such as the Trinity , the ' Immaculate Conception 5 ... "Hence, the fundamental question:" All modern knowledge is therefore in contradiction with our faith 6 ? "One can certainly question the relevance of this question, as where, since the light of historical criticism of the Gospels have been other developments in different directions. But Emile Poulat , modernism is not only a crisis of churches , but a crisis "whose religious implications struck less by their negativity warned: while the people of the cities and the countryside stands the ancestral religion, culture is removed from the control of the Church and traditional competition even in its own grounds in between "religious sciences" to "sacred sciences 7 . " The solution proposed by some priests modernists like Marcel Hébert , to see nothing in the scriptures that symbols such as "the representation of Christ dying on the cross makes us sensitive heart, deeply moving and exciting trend altruistic sacrifice 8 . .. "is in the eyes of Roger Martin du Gard, a compromise between faith and reason that it appears that a" play on words, a pun perpetual 9 . "

Sources [ edit ]

Alfred Grosser, joy and death. Life balance , Presses de la Renaissance, Paris, 2011.
Pauline Bruley, The chiaroscuro of the Bible in two novels of the modernist crisis : Augustine and the Master is Malègue Joseph and Jean Barois of Roger Martin du Gard in the face to the Bible writers (JY Masson and S.Parizet, dir.), Cerf, Paris, 2011.
Émile Goichot , Anamorphosis: Modernism in the novel mirrors , in Journal of Religious History and Philosophy , 1988, vol. 68, No. 4, p. 435-459 (comparison Bourget Malègue)
Charles Moeller, Roger Martin du Gard and John Barois , in the twentieth century Literature and Christianity , Casterman, Tournai, 1967.
Roger Martin du Gard, John Barois , in Complete Works , vol. I, Gallimard, Paris, 1955, p. 205-559.
Albert Camus Roger Martin du Gard Preface to the Complete Works of Roger Martin du Gard, t. I, Gallimard, Paris, 1955, p. VII-XXIV.
External links [ edit ]

Dialogue between the confessor Barois shortly before his death and the other heroes of the novel Elijah Albert Luce
Journal of Literary History of France in September 1982 special issue Roger Martin du Gard
Jean Barois Narrative Technique in Journal of literary history of France in September 1982
Notes and references [ edit ]

↑ Charles Moeller, Roger Martin du Gard and John Barois , in the twentieth century Literature and Christianity , Casterman, Tournai, 1967, p. 248.
↑ The joy and a life mort.Bilan [ archive ]
↑ Albert Camus Roger Martin du Gard preface to The Complete Works of Roger Martin du Gard, t. I, Gallimard, Paris, 1955, p. XV.
↑ Roger Martin du Gard, John Barois , in Complete Works , vol. I, Gallimard, Paris, 1955, p. 235.
↑ Pauline Bruley, The chiaroscuro of the Bible in two novels of the modernist crisis : Augustine and the Master is Malègue Joseph and Jean Barois Roger Martin du Gardin the face to the Bible writers (JY Masson and S.Parizet , dir.), Cerf, Paris, 2011, p. 83-98, p. 87.
↑ Jean Barois , op. cit., p.236.
↑ Emile Poulat, history, dogma and critical modernist crisis, Casterman, Tournai-Paris, 2 e revised edition, 1979, p.614.
↑ 'Marcel Hébert (modernist priest Roger Martin du Gard had in relationships and who greatly influenced), Evolution of the Catholic faith cited by R.Robidoux, Roger Martin du Gard and religion , Aubier, Paris, 1964 p.49.
↑ Letter from Roger Martin du Gard Hébert (August 1901), cited by R.Robidoux, op. cit., p.63.
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Categories :Novel of mannersPhilosophical novelFrench novel published in 1913
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